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【澳洲社工專業超詳細介紹 👼👼】


【澳洲社工專業超詳細介紹 👼👼】

大家一定都聽說過,澳洲的社會福利是全世界最好的國家之一 😊
社會工作者 Social Worker 一直都在澳洲移民局中長期清單職業列表上,而且對於此職業的需求還在持續增加,無論是在政府組織或社區福利機構,都有社會工作者的身影 ~

青少年服務 / 養老服務 / 兒童保護 / 消費者保護 / 社區醫務工作 / 殘障服務 / 新移民服務等等
澳洲社工的平均年薪大概介於 $85,000 ~ $100,000 AUD 💰💰
不過千萬不要小看這個職業 ! 除了因為需要經常接觸弱勢群體而需要強大的心理素質外,對於英文的要求相對也是較高的 !

澳洲對於移民職業列表上社工相關職位的職業評估機構分別為 AASW 和 ACWA,不同職位對應的職評機構和要求也會不一樣喔 ~
文章中幫大家整理出了澳洲各大城市 AASW 認證的院校及所提供的課程,一定要繼續看下去呦 😉

More Detail

► 心理學 / 案例管理
► AHPRA 註冊
► 兒童保護服務
► 質量改進
► 循證實踐
► 臨床實踐
► 人際敏感性
► 判斷和決策

- 評估健康、福利、娛樂、住房、就業和其他社區服務的資源
- 為社區發展項目提供領導和協助,規劃和實踐研究項目,及分析、制定、促進和實施社會政策
- 與社區組織、社會機構和志願團體合作,以改善服務和開發新服務
- 進行個人和家庭個案訪談,以確定客戶問題的性質和程度
- 通過提供信息、充當調解人,並將他們轉介給社區和自助機構,幫助客戶理解和解決問題
- 與客戶保持聯繫來監控客戶的進度
- 編寫病歷紀錄和報告

澳洲對於移民職業列表上社工相關職位的職業評估機構分別為 AASWACWA,根據不同職位對應的職業評估機構不同,要求也不同 ~

如何通過 AASW 職業評估 ❓❔
- 取得 AASW 認證的學士 / 碩士學位 📖
- 求學過程中完成學校的實習要求 (至少兩個實習工作滿足 980 個小時實習,其中一個實習必須實際操作)
- 三年有效的學術雅思成績 7.0 (單科皆不低於 7.0)
** 若在英語系國家受過高中教育 (Secondary Education)
    + 三年 (含以上) 高等教育可獲免雅思 4 個 7

Social Work 社工 272511 ✔️ 可走 189 獨立技術移民

如何通過 ACWA 職業評估 ❓❔
- 取得 ACWA 認證的學士 / 碩士學位 📖

- 在澳洲或其他英語系國家有 3 年以上全日制英文授課證書證明
- 有兩年在英語系國家的相關工作經驗
- 三年有效等同於雅思四個 7 分的英語成績 (也可持 PTE / TOEFL / CAE 英語成績)
** 若在英語系國家受過完整的高中教育 (Secondary Education)、學士或是碩士,可獲免雅思 4 個 7

Welfare Centre Manager 社會福利中心經理 134214 ✔️ 可走 189 獨立技術移民
          Welfare Worker 社會福利工作者 272613         ✔️ 可走 189 獨立技術移民
            Community Worker 社區工作者 411711               ❌ 不可走 189 獨立技術移民
    Disabilities Services Officer 殘疾人士服務者 411712   ❌ 不可走 189 獨立技術移民
       Family Support Worker 家庭支援工作者 411713       ❌ 不可走 189 獨立技術移民
                 Youth Worker 兒童工作者 411716                    ❌ 不可走 189 獨立技術移民
        Residential Care Officer 住家護理工作者 41171       ❌ 不可走 189 獨立技術移民

薪資水平 💰💰
Social Worker 社工: $85,000 ~ $100,000 AUD / 年
Community Support Worker 社區工作者: $60000 ~ $75000 AUD / 年
參考資料: https://www.seek.com.au/career-advice/role/social-worker/salary

城市 學校名稱 課程
 Australian Catholic University   - Bachelor of Social Work (1995)

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1995)

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2009)
University of Canberra  - Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
  *Provisionally accredited

          Charles Sturt University            - Bachelor of Social Work (1992)
   Conditional accreditation, 
   distance education available

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1992)
   distance education available

 - Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying)
   (2008) distance education available
Sydney Metropolitan Institute
of Technology
 - Bachelor of Social Work
  *Provisionally accredited
University of New England  - Bachelor of Social Work (2008)
   distance education available

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2011)
   distance education available
University of New
South Wales
 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1965)

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) /
   Bachelor of Law (1988)

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) /
   Bachelor of Arts (1999)

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) /
   Bachelor of Criminology & Criminal Justice (2013)

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) /
   Bachelor of Social Research and Policy (2013)

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) /
   Bachelor of Social Science (2021)
University of
 - Bachelor of Social Work (1991)

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
The University of
 - Bachelor of Social Work

 - Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Social Work (1970)

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2011)
Western Sydney University
(formerly University of
Western Sydney)
 - Bachelor of Social Work (1996)

 - Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice
   / Bachelor of Social Work

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2016)
University of
 - Bachelor of Social Work
  / Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (2015)

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2018)
Australian Catholic University  - Bachelor of Social Work (2004)

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (2015)

 - Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Social Work (2004)

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2009)
Australian College of
Applied Professions (ACAP)
 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2014)

 - Bachelor of Social Work
  / Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (2014)
Excelsia College  - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2020)

    Charles Darwin University      - Bachelor of Social Work /
   Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1995)
   *distance education available

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2020)
   *Provisionally accredited


CQUniversity  - Bachelor of Social Work (2001)
   *distance education education available 
Griffith University    - Bachelor of Social Work (2005)
    *distance education available

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (2005)

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2007)
   *distance education available

 - Master of Social Work
   / Master of Mental Health Practice (2019)
James Cook University   - Bachelor of Social Work (1978)
   *distance education available

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1978)

 - Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying) (2009)
   *distance education available

 - Bachelor of Social Work - JCU Brisbane Campus
   *Provisionally accredited (2021)
Queensland University
of Technology
 - Bachelor of Social Work (2007)

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (2007)

 - Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)
   / Bachelor of Social Work (2007)

 - Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)
   / Bachelor of Social Work (Hons) (2007)

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2009)
Southern Cross University  - Bachelor of Social Work (2020)
   / Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) -
   *Provisionally accredited,
    distance education available

 - Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying) (2013)
   *distance education available
The University of Queensland  - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1965)

 - Master of Social Work Qualifying (2008)
    University of the Sunshine Coast         - Bachelor of Social Work (2008)

 - Bachelor of Social Work
   / Bachelor of Criminology and Justice (2020)

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2011)
Australian Catholic University  - Bachelor of Social Work (2006)

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (2015)

 - Bachelor of Theology / Bachelor of Social Work (2006)

 - Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Social Work (2006)

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2009)
University of
Southern Queensland
 - Bachelor of Social Work
   / Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (2022)
   *Provisionally accredited

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) 
  *Provisionally accredited

                Flinders University                   - Bachelor of Social Work
   / Bachelor of Social work (Honours) (2015)

 - Bachelor of Social Work (External) (2021) 

 - Master of Social Work (Graduate entry) (2008)
   *distance education available

 - Bachelor of Social Work and Social Planning (1974)
(*please note the above degree is phasing out,
    with no new student intake offered)
University of
South Australia
 - Bachelor of Social Work (1975)

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1975)

 - Master of Social Work (2009)

        University of Tasmania         - Bachelor of Social Work (1984)

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1984)

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2010)

   維多利       亞州   
Deakin University   - Bachelor of Social Work (1994)
   *distance education available

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1994)

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2009)
   *distance education available
La Trobe University   - Master of Social Work (2009)

 - Bachelor of Human Services
   / Master of Social Work (2010)

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (2020)
   *Provisionally accredited

 - Master of Social Work
   (Child and Family Practice) (2023)
The University of
 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2008)
Monash University  - Bachelor of Social Work (1974)
   *distance education available

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1974)

 - Bachelor of Social Work
   / Bachelor of Health Sciences (2002)
(*Please note that the above cources are being disestablished, with no new student intake offered)

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2009)
   *distance education available
RMIT University  - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1976)

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
   / Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) (1976)

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2006)
 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2014)

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
  (Children and Families) *Provisionally accredited

 - Bachelor of Social Work *Provisionally accredited
 - Bachelor of Social Work
       Australian College of Applied               Professions (ACAP)       - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2020)

 - Bachelor of Social Work (2021) 
   *Provisionally accredited
Institute of Health and Management Pty. Ltd (IHM)  - Bachelor of Social Work (2022)
   *Provisionally accredited
Acknowledge Education  - Bachelor of Social Work (2020)
   *Provisionally accredited

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2022)
   *Provisionally accredited
 Southern Cross Education Institute - Higher Education         - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) 
   *Provisionally accredited
       Curtin University   
      (formely Curtin University    
           of Technology)  
 - Bachelor of Social Work (1982)

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2019)
Edith Cowan University  - Bachelor of Social Work (1998)
   *distance education available

 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (1998)
The University of
Western Australia
 - Bachelor of Social Work
   / Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (2023) 
   *Provisionally accredited

 - Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (2009)

AASW: https://www.aasw.asn.au/
ACWA: https://www.acwa.org.au/migrants/

銜接課程 (無背景可申請)
城市 學校名稱 課程 學費 時長 英語
Sydney University
Postgraduate Bridging
(Social Work)

校區: Parramatta South,
Liverpool City
$30,960 AUD 6 個月
學術雅思平均 6.5
單科不低於 6.0
Master of Social Work

校區: Parramatta City
2 年 學術雅思平均 7.0
單科不低於 6.0
SA 南澳 Flinders University Graduate Certificate in Society and the Individual 

$18,600 AUD 3~6 個月
學術雅思平均 6.5 
單科不低於 6.0
Master of Social Work

$37,200 AUD 2 年 學術雅思平均 7.0
單科不低於 7.0
Federation University Australia Graduate Certificate in Social
and Community Services

校區: Ballarat, Berwick
$14,070 AUD 6 個月
學術雅思平均 6.5
單科不低於 6.5
Master of Social Work

校區: Ballarat, Berwick
$28,140 AUD 2 年 學術雅思平均 7.0
單科不低於 7.0
Cross University
Study Abroad Program    
Master of Social Work
(Professional Qualifying)

校區: Gold Coast
$29,400 AUD 2 年 學術雅思平均 7.0 
單科不低於 7.0


不可申請 185 畢業工作簽證

Certificate III in Individual support

Certificate IV in ageing support

Diploma of Community Service

可以申請 185 畢業工作簽證

Bachelor of Applied Social Science – Community Services

Bachelor of Humanitarian and Community Studies

Bachelor of Community Welfare

Bachelor of Human Services

Bachelor of Social Science


感興趣的小夥伴們手刀聯繫專業貼心又耐心的顧問團隊進行詳細諮詢 🔎 

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